Silver Valley Condos

Contact Associated Management

Associated Property Management LLC
5090 Park Avenue West
Seville, OH 44256

  • p. 330.722.3000
  • f.  330.722.3396
  • toll free 866.575.0025

Property Manager: Renee Hambach, CMCA (

Send a Maintenance Request

 help2 Send a Maintenance Request

Click the button to open the Maintenance Request Form to report a problem or request a repair.

All changes to the common area or unit exterior require a Request for Change.


  • Because these changes can cause issues for the association as a whole, and for your neighbors, in particular. If a unit owner makes an unapproved DIY change, there is a chance that poor carftsmanship or cheap materials may result in code violations, damage to your shared unit structure, to inconvenience, or to accidents that cost us all.
  • Because you do not own the common area alone. It belongs to all residents equally.
  • Because you think it is a great Idea. But something that is appealing to you may not be at all apealing to your neighbors.
  • Because structural changes may require permits and inspections.

Common Excuses:

  • But I'm just ________. Go ahead, fill in the blank.
  • Some residents feel that their project is somehow exempt for the following reasons:____________, ____________, _________ Go ahead, fill in the blanks.
  • I shouldn't have to file a Request for Change just to____________. Go ahead, fill in the blank.

Here's how the Request for Change process works.

  • Please fill out the Request for Change completely, and sign it. Requests for Change that are not signed by the unit owner will not be considered. NOTE: The Board is less likely to approve any request that is short on specific details, and may return it to the unit owner for clarification.
  • Any Requests for Change that involve structural changes, repairs, or additions (e.g. decks, doors, and windows) require detailed drawings/explanations. Where needed, the project must also be submitted to the city for permits and inspections.
  • Please submit all Requests for Change to the management company at least one month before the project is to begin (two months is better); if an expedited vote is needed for special circumstances, please specify the reasons—in detail—to the property manager when making your request. Do so in writing. 
  • The property manager gathers all Requests for Change as they are received, and then adds them to the agenda for the next scheduled meeting. The Board meets monthly (except in May).
  • The Board may elect at its discretion to review and vote on a Request for Change between meetings. The Board discourages this approach: by Ohio law, all email votes require unanimous Board approval; a motion to approve a Request for Change at a regular Board meeting can pass with a simple majority.
  • There are 111 units in our Association. Your request is probably not the only one the Board is asked to review and approve at any given time. 
  • Download your Request for Change Form here.