Silver Valley Condos

Contact Associated Management

Associated Property Management LLC
5090 Park Avenue West
Seville, OH 44256

  • p. 330.722.3000
  • f.  330.722.3396
  • toll free 866.575.0025

Property Manager: Renee Hambach, CMCA (

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It isn't feasible for the association to clean away all mold accumulations on shaded stucco areas as quickly as they grow. Shaded walls grow green gunkies at an astounding rate, especially when it's hot and humid.

Unit owners who find the green fuzz unsightly can clean it away by simply spraying the affected areas with a prepared mold removal liquid (available from department and home improvement stores), followed by gentle scrubbing with a soft bristle brush, and rinsing with a garden hose spray.

An effective and cost effective mold cleaner can also be mixed from household items that commonly include chlorine bleach, a squeeze of dish detergent, and a dash of borax.

Here's a link to a more detailed explanation that includes different recipes and mixing ratios for your home made brew. (Scroll straight to Part 2 of the article for mixing and cleaning instructions.)

Just be sure to wear protective clothing, including gloves and glasses, long sleeves and pants, and make sure the bleach solution doesn't damage desirable plants, pets, or other belongings.