Silver Valley Condos

Contact Associated Management

Associated Property Management LLC
5090 Park Avenue West
Seville, OH 44256

  • p. 330.722.3000
  • f.  330.722.3396
  • toll free 866.575.0025

Property Manager: Renee Hambach, CMCA (

Send a Maintenance Request

 help2 Send a Maintenance Request

Click the button to open the Maintenance Request Form to report a problem or request a repair.

Owner Information Forms

The Association has a legal obligation under state law to gather and periodically update owner and resident information in a master database. This information is never shared with any third party, and is used only for internal administrative use and communication, especially important in the event of an emergency.

There are two ways to complete the form:

  1. We will mail paper copies to all units. Fill them out; mail them USPS in the enclosed, stamped envelope.
  2. Download the editable pdf. Type the correct responses into each cell. Then save and email the saved pdf to APM as an email attachment. See instructions below.

How to complete and return the Online Information Sheet:

  • download the file (Owner Information Form.pdf) NOTE: The browser may open the file online, and you will not be able to edit the pdf in the browser window. Click the "download link" in your browser to save the file to your local device.
  • fill in the editable fields. Free pdf readers that support editable forms include Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader. Some third party pdf viewers will not let you to fill in forms.
  • save the file to a location on your PC or mobile device where you can find it easily. (We suggest you use your address as the file name: example: 275 Lake Terrace.pdf).
  • email the completed file as an attachment to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Note: double-clicking on the email link in the pdf automatically opens the mail program on most computers and mobile devices.