Silver Valley Condos

Contact Associated Management

Associated Property Management LLC
5090 Park Avenue West
Seville, OH 44256

  • p. 330.722.3000
  • f.  330.722.3396
  • toll free 866.575.0025

Property Manager: Renee Hambach, CMCA (

Send a Maintenance Request

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Click the button to open the Maintenance Request Form to report a problem or request a repair.

The 2016 Reserve Study Update from Reserve Associates is available for download - Reserve Study 2016.pdf (6.6mb).

Download links for additional reference materials—including the previous 2011 Reserve Study—were posted in a news article on this site on May 19, 2016.

Please review these documents and use the information they contain to cast an informed vote on fully funding of the reserves. Ballots will be sent to all unit owners later this year.