Silver Valley Condos

Contact Associated Management

Associated Property Management LLC
5090 Park Avenue West
Seville, OH 44256

  • p. 330.722.3000
  • f.  330.722.3396
  • toll free 866.575.0025

Property Manager: Renee Hambach, CMCA (

Send a Maintenance Request

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We have repeatedly cautioned in newsletters and on the web site that cats and dogs must be leashed if they are outside the owner's unit. This is a condo rule, and a matter of law in both Munroe Falls and Summit County.

Several unit owners continue to ignore the warnings, and their animals have been indentified.

If your cat or dog is roaming the neighborhood unleashed, we will contact the county and ask that the animal warden remove them.

Per day fines of $25 may also be imposed until the time the warden can schedule a pickup.