Silver Valley Condos
Management Company
Associated Property Management (
5090 Park Ave W
Seville, OH 44273
Click the Help Button and open the online Maintenance Request Form at Please be specific about your maintenance issue or the need for a repair to the building or grounds. Select Renee Hambach's name from the drop down list of property managers and fill out the form completely. This is a fast and efficient way to ensure a prompt response.
- The main business phone number for APM is 330-722-3000.
- APM normal business hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. APM makes every effort to return a phone message left during or after normal business hours, no later than the end of the next business day. NOTE: Please leave a number at which you can be reached.
Our property manager, Renee Hambach, is out of the office every other Friday doing field work.The APM staff will do their best to assist with calls in her absence. Calls left for Renee on out-of-office Fridays will be returned on the following Monday.
- Calls regarding billings are handled by the APM accounting department. Please be ready with specific details regarding your account information when you call.
Send email questions directly to Renee at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . She typically answers emails within 24 hours, although non-emergency responses may take up to 48 hours.
Emergencies are defined as a situation causing immediate damage to a unit, building, common area, etc.
For after hours emergencies that do not require the Munroe Falls Police and/or Fire Departments, please dial the main APM number and call the emergency number given in the voice mail message.This will auto-forward your call to an APM manager who will respond quickly, typically in 15 minutes or less.,
Owner Information Forms
The Association has a legal obligation under state law to gather and periodically update owner and resident information in a master database. This information is never shared with any third party, and is used only for internal administrative use and communication, especially important in the event of an emergency.
There are two ways to complete the form:
- We will mail paper copies to all units. Fill them out; mail them USPS in the enclosed, addressed envelope.
- Download the editable pdf. Type the correct responses into each cell. Then save and email the saved pdf to APM as an email attachment. See instructions below.
How to complete and return the Online Information Sheet:
- download the file (Owner Information Form.pdf) NOTE: The browser may open the file online, and you will not be able to edit the pdf in the browser window. Click the "download link" in your browser to save the file to your local device.
- fill in the editable fields. Free pdf readers that support editable forms include Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader. Some third party pdf viewers will not let you to fill in forms.
- save the file to a location on your PC or mobile device where you can find it easily. (We suggest you use your address as the file name: example: 275 Lake Terrace.pdf).
- email the completed file as an attachment to:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Note: double-clicking on the email link in the pdf automatically opens the mail program on most computers and mobile devices.
Download Forms and Documents
Before making any change to your unit exterior or to common or limited-common areas, you must request and receive approval from the Board, in writing.
To do so, download and complete a Request for Change form, and mail it to Associated Property Management LLC, at the address on the form. If you do not have a printer, call Associated at 330.722.3000, and ask them to send you a copy. All submissions should include a reasonably detailed description of proposed changes.
Here are your governing documents and forms.
Common Forms
Maintenance Request Form (click this link to open an online request form at the Management Company)
Complaint Form (Word.doc) All complaints must be submitted in writing to the management company and signed by the complainant.
Complaint Form (pdf) All complaints must be submitted in writing to the management company and signed by the complainant.
Owner Information Form (includes vehicle information-complete this editable pdf and email to APM)
Satellite and Antenna Installation Rules
Governing Documents
Rules and Regulations
ByLaws (18.9mb pdf)
Declaration (13.6mb pdf)
Brochures and Studies
2011 Reserve Study (18.6mb)
2016 Reserve Study Update.pdf (6.6mb)
Reserve 2016 Slides. pdf This pdf document details the recent capital asset repairs that have taken place over the last 30 months, here at SVCA.
Capital Improvements Brochure 2014
Board of Directors
Eric Dreher….. President
Kathy Dreher .....Treasurer
Ray Shroyer…..Vice President
Joyce Giovannelli….Secretary
Kirk Harrison - At Large
Association Parking Rules and Towing Cautions
- Residents must use the garage as their primary parking space, with the corresponding unit driveway used for allowed vehicles that do not fit inside the garage.
- If the number of vehicles exceeds the combined garage and driveway parking space at any given unit, off-site parking must be used.
- Overflow (guest) parking areas are meant for use by guests or service vehicles. Unit owners who need to use the guest area for an emergency or for occasions where unit repairs block access to normal parking space (see item1) are asked to contact the management company and inform them of the special circumstances and anticipated duration of guest parking use.
- The guest areas are NOT to be used by residents for their personal vehicles on a regular basis.
- Residents may not use any parking area to store vehicles, or to park disabled vehicles or those with expired license tags.
- Parking on any grassed or lawn area is prohibited
- Parking on the street is prohibited since it may block access by emergency, fire, and police vehicles.
- Violators are subject to fines up to $25 per day; the Board reserves the right to tow violating vehicles at owner expense.
None of this is new. Please reference the Rules and Regulations for specifics.
Paint Colors
These are the Board approved colors. Please use them.
You do NOT have to use the deck trim stain for the horizontal deck surface. It is latex and does not sink into the wood grain like a true stain/sealer.
Page 5 of the Rules and Regs explains Decks in detail. Please note items D and E regarding deck stains:
A. All rear decks and front balconies are the responsibility of the unit owner. Refer to Paragraph (7)(iii) of the Silver Valley Declaration.
B. All decks and balconies are to be kept in good repair, as stated in Paragraph (12)(A)(I) of the Silver Valley Declaration.
C. If a unit owner fails to properly repair and then maintain decks and balconies after receiving notification from The Management Company and/or The Board of Directors, the Association may make needed repairs, and restore or otherwise correct the unsatisfactory condition. The Board will assess all related charges to the unit owner. Refer to Paragraph 11 (E) of the Silver Valley Declaration.
D. All wood rails and face boards will be stained brown. All iron rails will be painted with black gloss enamel. See Miscellaneous item E.
E. Unit owners, who prefer neutral or natural deck coloring may apply a clear wood finish. This finish requires prior Board approval and is applied at unit owner expense. Send requests for special deck finishes to The Management Company.
To eliminate confusion about which outdoor light replacements are approved by the Board, a page at the end of the new Rules and Regulations provides several samples of acceptable styles and sizes.
For quick reference, please download the style sheet.
Please remember to file a Request for Change form before replacing any exterior lights.
Requests for Change Requirements and Approval Process
Here's an explanation of how Request for Change forms are processesed.
- All changes to the common area or unit exterior require a Request for Change.
- Please fill out the Request for Change completely, and sign it. Requests for Change that are not signed by the unit owner will not be considered. NOTE: The Board is less likely to approve any request that is short on specific details, and may return it to the unit owner for clarification.
- Any Requests for Change that involve structural changes, repairs, or additions (e.g. decks, doors, and windows) require detailed drawings/explanations. Where needed, the project must also be submitted to the city for permits and inspections.
- Please submit all Requests for Change to the management company at least one month before the project is to begin (two months is better); if an expedited vote is needed for special circumstances, please specify the reasons—in detail—to the property manager when making your request. Do so in writing.
- The property manager gathers all Requests for Change as they are received, and then adds them to the agenda for the next scheduled meeting.
- The Board meets monthly (except in May and December).
- The Board may elect at its discretion to review and vote on a Request for Change between meetings. The Board discourages this approach: by Ohio law, all email votes require unanimous Board approval; a motion to approve a Request for Change at a regular Board meeting can pass with a simple majority.
- There are 111 units in our Association. Your request is probably not the only one the Board is asked to review and approve at any given time.
- Download your Request for Change
Garage, Estate, and Tag Sales Are Prohibited
Our governing documents prohibit garage, estate, and tag sales. The are several reasons for this, and they are significant.
We recently sought the counsel of our attorneys in this matter, and their opposition to any such sales is longstanding, detailed, and unequivocal. Their experience with such sales is filled with cautionary tales about how easily problems arise.
- It is against the rules, plain and simple.
- Our unit owners expect quiet and privacy; part of the rationale behind the prohibition of public sales is to ensure that peace and quiet are not disrupted by a sale.
- There is no way to anticipate the number of attendees, from 6 to 60—or more; a large turnout will quickly fill our limited guest parking, and attendees vehicles may block streets or damage turf when they are parked on our grassy areas. Parking can quickly become a safety issue, since emergency vehicles could easily be blocked in the event of fire, or sickness requiring EMS access.
- Publicly advertised sales may attract undesirable attendees who may place our persons and property at risk to theft or injury the day of the sale, or in the future, should they return unannounced after casing the area.
- Injuries (real or feigned) sustained by attendees may lead to lawsuits. This would place a burden on our legal budget and insurance premiums. Even the addition of special-event personal insurance or bonding secured by the unit owner or agent will not guarantee that a suit will not be filed naming the association or its residents.
- Board members place themselves at risk of personal liability if they choose to circumvent or override the rule in this matter, leaving them open to personal law suits.
The Board has a duty to protect the community as a whole, and appreciates your individual understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Common Area? Limited Common Area?
There seems to be no end to the confusion generated by the terms Common Area and Limited Common Area.
The Common Area in Silver Valley is just that: Common. It belongs to ALL residents, equally.
Some residents have co-opted and revised Common Areas adjacent to their units, making changes without first consulting the Board.
This is unacceptable.
Other than small plantings enumerated in the Rules and Regulations, all other changes to Common or Limited Common areas must be submitted for approval to the Board. These requests are to be submitted using the Request for Change Form available for download from this web site.
Any changes made to Common or Limited Common areas (other than the planting of flowers described in the Rules and Regulations), without prior Board approval, may be removed at owner expense.
Similarly, any changes to building exteriors are generally not allowed.
Limited Common Areas are most often:
- the space bounded by the privacy walls at the rear of a unit.
- an enclosed, gated courtyard at the front of a unit (on select units only).
- the areas immediately adjacent to the stairs on units with entry stoops.
Common Area = Everything Else. This area is maintained by the Association. Residents may not make unauthorized changes in the green areas of the map.
The map to the right shows the exact boudaries of these areas on the lower end Lake Terrace Drive.This is the original site map, color-coded to make each area stand out. These areas were defined and mapped in the late 1980s; the official maps are stamped and stored at the courthouse in downtown Akron.
Click the image to the right to download a larger version ( color map pdf)
The image below shows a generic representation of typical limited common and common area configurations.
Note: These are general references, to be used as samples only. Official site maps determine the exact locations for each unit.
Garage Door Repair Panels
Replacement garage door panels are available from H&W Door Company in Akron (
4173 Sunnybrook Rd
Akron, Ohio 44240
330-678-5000 (ask for Ben)
If your garage door has a cracked, dented, or rotting panel, and you do not want to buy a new door, they have flat panel replacements that match the original panels.